This magazine publishes articles in the field of Islamic, religious and literary texts as a quarterly. Those who are interested in submitting their articles to this publication must read the authors' guide before submitting their articles and adjust their articles accordingly. Then they should register on the journal's website and submit the article through this method. It should be noted that all the articles sent to the Journal of Literary Studies of Islamic Texts will first be examined through the similarity system and after confirming the degree of similarity, they will be submitted to the judging process.

Important note:

The necessity of receiving the researcher's ID from the respected authors in order to comply with the criteria related to the indexing of articles in international citation databases, it is necessary for authors who submit articles to receive their respective researcher ID (orchid code) from the ORCID.ORG site and add it to their personal page in register the publication system. Get the guide to get the researcher's ID here.

Frequency: Quarterly

Language: Persian (with Englis hand Arabic Abstract)

Average Review Time: 2 months

Review Policy: Double-blind peer review 

Publishing Template: Printed - Electronic


Publication Information


Director-in-Charge Editor-in-Chief Editorial Board Associate Editor Executive Director
Print ISSN
Online ISSN

Indexing and Abstracting