Guide for Authors

Guides  to authors

 This publication aims to take advantage of all the potential and actual modernist religious capacities by approaching the Islamic foundations and observing the four religious pillars in the field of theorizing and deepening and expanding literary thinking and attracting scholars who are virtuous and innovative in the seminary and who are experienced and efficient in the university. research areas in this area and with an active and energetic presence in the field of Islamic knowledge and culture and opening new literary and artistic horizons and criticizing new scientific theories and using the latest achievements of human sciences and knowledge and information technology and with an approach to the thought of revolution of Islam and the holy system of the Islamic Republic should take into account the publication of the scientific research quarterly "Religious Literature" in all policy-making and research planning.

1-- The quarterly welcomes all of the articles in the field of literary studies of religious texts.

 2- The articles must have scientific-research criteria such as theorizing, scientific criticism, initiative and innovation and use of reliable sources.

3- The editorial board of the quarterly are  free in summarizing, correcting, scientific and literary editing of the article.

4- The article has not been previously published in other journals and it has not been sent to another journal at the same time.

5- The articles should be typed in the WORD with the DOCX (maximum of 7500 words) and sent to the address through the article submission system at the address

6- Persian and English  abstract (maximum 150 words) and keywords of the article (minimum 3 and maximum 8 words) should be attached to the article.

7- It is mandatory to follow the rules of grammar, writing rules and punctuation marks in writing an article.

8- Citation methods should be in context between parentheses as follows:

  • Qur'an: Verses (along with translation) should be inserted in quotation marks, and then the name of the chapter and the number of the verse should be given (in parentheses).

 Example: "Alhamdu lillah Rabbi al-Alamin; Praise belongs to God, who is the Lord of the worlds" (Hamd: 1).

  • Book: (author's last name, year of publication, volume number: page number, example: Persian source with alternating pages (Mothari, 1360, Vol. 1: pp. 200-220) and with different pages (Amini, 1387, Vol. 1: pp. 200 and 207) ).

Note: Inserting (letter Q) is required for the lunar date.

English source with alternate pages (Kant, 1788: p.224-288) and with different pages (Kant, 1788: pp.44, 288).

  • Article: (surname, year of publication of the work: page number. Example: Yasri, 1385: p. 75).


- If more than one work of the same author is used in the article, if they share the time of publication, after the year of publication, they should be distinguished from each other by mentioning alphabetical letters in quotation marks. For example: (Motahari, 1360, "A", p. 200) or (Motahari, 1360, "B", p. 145). - If there are more than three authors of a work, only one family name is used and the word "et al" refers to other authors.

- If two works of the same author are referred to without a space, instead of repeating the author's name, the word "ibid" is used, and instead of repeating the source and year, "ibid" is inserted. In referring to English sources in the text, use "Ibid", and "op.cit" instead of "same".

  • Hadiths and Arabic texts (in Badr's font) should be translated and included in the text.
  • The English equivalent of non-Persian words and the pronunciation of abandoned words and terms should be included in the text and parentheses, and other explanations should be given in the footnote;
  • Honorific expressions: use clichés instead of honorific expressions. Like: 9 instead of (p); 7 instead of (A); 4 instead of (ra) and: instead of (peace be upon him) and...

9-- The list of sources (bibliography) should be compiled and inserted at the end of the article in alphabetical order in the following way:

  • Books: surname, first name (year of publication), book title (Iranian), translator, date of publication, place of publication: publisher.
  • Articles: surname, first name (year of publication), "title of the article", name of the publication (Iranian), period and number of the publication, page number of the article; Like: (pp. 25-45).
  • Electronic sources: last name, first name (date of viewing the source on the site or blog), "title of the article or writing", exact Internet address or access (CD, etc.).
  • Dissertations: surname, first name (year of thesis defense), thesis title, academic level, department, name of faculty, university.

10—By mentioning the number, additional  notes should be inserted at the end of the article before the sources.

1) The features of the Content  in an article

  • The first file includes:
  • Full details, affiliation and title, address, telephone number and organizational e-mail of the author or authors;
  • If the article is shared, the title (corresponding author) should be inserted in front of his name.

2) ) the second file:

 the original article including:

  • Persian abstract (maximum 150 words);
  • Keywords (3 to 8 words).
  • If the article is taken from the thesis, or if the organization and institution paid the financial cost of the project, or if there is a necessary acknowledgment, it should be included in the footer of the first page (abstract).

3) The second to last pages include:

  1. Introduction and problem statement, research background, methology and information gathering;
  2. Explaining the dimensions of the problem in a rationalized manner by observing the coherence and coordination of the contents in the standard subcategorization (following the numerical pattern or letters and numbers);
  3. Conclusion;
  4. Bibliography. It is obvious that the evaluation and acceptance of the article is subject to compliance with the above-mentioned items. And the responsibility of the contents of each article rests with its author. Quotation of the contents of the quarterly is without hindrance by mentioning the source. The editorial board of journal is free to edit, abbreviate and modify the articles.


Quarterly magazine and article submission system:

Email address of the quarterly: