The manifestation of Zaynab's (Al-Salam Allah's Alisha) stability in Ashura literature (Case Study: Ten Volumes of Literature)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Razi University

2 razi university



In the history of Ashura, Hazrat Zaynab (AS) has become known as the proud ambassador of Karbala and the fiery and sermonate sermons against the enemies of Islam. The description of Zaynab's (S) sustainability is one of the important issues that has been at the center of the minds of many poets. Among them, there are some poets who have been compiled in a collection of ten volumes of the book ": Adib al-Taf " by Jawad Shabbar and their poems of Ashura. Therefore, the present article analyzes the poems of the poets and analyzes the poems of the mentioned poets. In this study, the studied poets, while describing the attributes of Zaynab (sa) such as patience and perseverance, chastity and purity from Imam Hussein As well as protecting Islam, it traces the incidents and calamities in Karbala, Ratha and mourning the martyrs of Karbala, commemorates their dignity, the expression of torture and persecution suffered by the children and women of the Ahlul Bayt (PBUH) during the captivity. The vicious assault on them resulted in the plea of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH) from the Great Imam (PBUH) and his father, Imam Ali (AS), and B I am lonely and do not have a solid shelter after their great brother Imam Hussein (AS).
