Syndeton and Asyndeton in Quranic verses in regard AI-mizan

Document Type : Original Article


1 kosar tehran

2 university emam khomaini



As a branch of rhetoric, semantics is considered a necessary means in correct understanding of divine words. “Asyndeton” (Arabic, fasl) and “syndeton” (Arabic, vasl) are among the most important elements of semantics. While being a major topic of rhetoric, they tremendously contribute to the articulation and perception of meaning in Quranic verses. In his invaluable interpretive work on the Quran, The Al-Mizan, Allameh Tabataba’ee studies the concept of rhetorical meaning. In a section assigned to “asyndeton” and “syndeton,” he investigates the effect(s) of the connection and disconnection in relation to Quranic sentences. In this regard, Al-Mizan contains a number of particular meanings and implications derived from the divine words, according to which the status of the rhetoric is clarified in the chapter on asyndeton and syndeton. Using the descriptive-analytical method, this paper seeks to investigate Allameh Tabataba’ee’s views on the Quranic asyndeton and syndeton and the way they influence meaning in Quranic verses.
